Photo Credit: ruurmo via Compfight cc


When we first go to school, we’re taught to raise our hands so that the teacher will “pick” us—and so it begins. For the rest of our lives we want to be picked by a hiring manager, a potential male or female suitor, by friends, and the list goes on. This is the first lesson that teaches us that we aren’t good enough as an individual and that there will always be someone smarter or faster than us; it teaches us that who we are isn’t good enough to fit in the world around us. Continue reading


Photo Credit: swamysk via Compfight cc

What are your guiding principles that keep you grounded during the storm? What are your values? I don’t know about you but I always felt like I had good values and lived by a set of principles that served me well but the other day I was looking through some of my many notes and I saw that I had asked myself in my notes what were my values and principles, but it was left blank. I decided to answer the questions and realized I didn’t know what they were. All this time I thought I knew but in reality I didn’t. So what exactly has been guiding me all this time? Continue reading


Photo Credit: mikelo via Compfight cc

Have you ever vowed to stop cursing people out when you’re in traffic or maybe you said you’d stop complaining about life’s ups and downs or maybe to quit smoking? I’m talking major life changes for the better and all of a sudden it seems like the universe throws everything but the kitchen sink at you, trying to see just how committed to your resolution you really are. It seems like everything that could go wrong does and here you are trying to change for the better and it feels like the universe is working against you. Has this ever happened to you or is it just me?

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